Thursday 24 March 2011

Peer Feedback on Final Cut

Good points:

Heart beat and ticking builds up tension and creates atmosphere

The sound effects go really well together in order to build up the tension.

The combination between diagetic and non diagetic sound go well together with the slow cuts which show the protagonist tied up. The close up of hands and feet tied up are effective.

Parallel shots are good and of the different characters gradually being shown is more effective.

Beginning is effective with the blank screen and voiceover then cuts to image of maya

Soundtrack is brillaint makes the scenen very mysterious and tense.
Good mixture of non-diagetic and diagetic sound (phone ringing)

The echoy phone call sounds really nice and gives a flash back feeling.

The effects on the title 'Black Out' look really good and fit it well.

Good angles

Heart beat very effective

Its very mysterious and makes the viewer want to watch more.

Bad points:

The storyline is unclear and confusing

Some of the short clips are repeated, its rather repetitive

Voice overs a bit echoey.

 Its to trailer likits resembles a trailer to much as no story is shown.

Sound gets repetitive.

After a while the heart beat loses its effect, try adding something else or making it slowly getting louder.

Voice over is a bit echoey and more could be done with the sound.

Not enough imagery is used to show what is happening

its not to clear what s going on in the opening because of the lack of video.

costumes and make up

james' and maya's costumes

this is mine and james' outfits, as you can see we applied make-up around our eyes to make it look like we have black eyes. but keeping in the conventions of a thriller we did'nt make it gory.


Screen grab shots from final cut

This is our screen shot sheet for our final cut showing thriler conventions, camerawork, location, lighting, costume, props and titles.

12R2-45 Screenshots

Tuesday 22 March 2011

12R2- 45 Final Version of Thriller opening sequence

This is our final cut of our thriller opening sequence, towards the end when we were trying to add the voice overs, the video became slightly distorted and we tried out best to try and resolve it in the time we were given.

If we were to have more time we may have added someting midway through the film because it gets slightly boring and the viewer is expecting something to help build up the tension.

Friday 11 March 2011

Rough Cut Deadline

This is the rough cut of our thriller opening sequence.

Rough Cut Deadline: on your blogs by 2:30pm

Editing- continuitiy, pace, 180 degree rule, transmissions, gaps.
Camerawork- shot variety, holding a steady shot and framing.
Mise en Scene- appropriate material, props, costume, lighting, location and titles.
Sound- Levels, music, dialogue and voiceovers etc.
Thriller Conventions- which ones have been used and how effective they have been used.

Friday 4 March 2011

Filming outcome

After finishing our filming, we feel that it went reasonably well. We really like most of the quick close up shots and a few of our establishing shots too. The diagetic sound is very effective as it is the natural rustling of feet/ breathing etc.
We used the dark room in the media studio for all of our shots, and this gave a really dark and gloomy effect to the shots. We will be putting a black and white filter over our shots, with credits injected throughout and our own non-diagetic sounds of ticking and a heartbeat over the top.
If we were to redo our shots, we would definately plan out the different still shots to make sure that we would be more ready and prepared to film.