Thursday, 20 January 2011

Georgia Atherton- Thriller Opening Sequence Ideas

My first idea is to have a non-diagetic --> diagetic sound of a heart beat with a black background. The titles will be slowly cutting from one to the next slowly getting faster. Then i will add a non-diagetic ticking that gets quicker, and have this over the heartbeat. There will then be a extremely quick shot of a person with thier eyes clenched tight and then cutting back to to a black background with another actor's name or producer etc, then it will carry on like this with different parts of the man's body like his forehead sweating or his fist clenching etc. During this the music will be getting quicker and quicker, finally ending with a cut to the man waking up in bed/ tied up in a room etc really flustered and concerned. Then something happens such as another person comes in and says something (im not sure what this could be yet!) then a dramatic almost eerie drum? sound will cut off with the man shouting/screaming? to a final title credit of "By Georgia Maya and James" or something along those lines. This would be much easier to film than explain as it is hard to explain my vision of it. This thriller opening would be an action/scary thriller. 

My second idea is of a woman walking her dog through some woods at night and suddenly her dog runs off into the darkness. The woman is calling for it to come back but all she hears is silence.  Then she hears someone breathing behind her. She turns round and no-one is there. Then there is a tracking shot of a handheld camera running towards her face. She screams and the title credits roll with a thrilling non-diagetic sound behind it. This is a murder mystery/ scary thriller.

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