Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Opening Sequence -

For are thriller opening sequence we have chosen Georgias first idea of the heart beat and the quick shots to the flustered/ panicked man. The man shall be wearing a ripped shirt with fake blood stains and jeans.
The opening sequence will last for few minutes. It will consist of several different shots of a very flustered man in a very confused and stressed state. Whilst a non diagetic sound of a heart beat plays all the way through the opening sequence then slowly shall fade out to the end. The use of this sound and suspense and mystery.
The thriller opening sequence would fit into the sub genre of a mystery thriller, it fits the conventions of a mystery thriller as it is a Suspense film where characters attempt solving, or involved in, a mystery. The thriller conventions uses suspense, tension, and excitement to build the main elements of the opening sequence. More common in mystery thrillers are investigations and the whodunit technique.

Camera work- our opening sequence will use shot types such as; close ups of the mans hands to show him clenching and facial expressions to show his distress and medium to long shots to show him when he wakes up in the bed and the confused state he will be in. The film shall be in a continuity style through out.

Mise en scene- the opening sequence shall be filmed in a dark room with no lighting apart from the single light on the video camera, this adds to the suspense as it creates a feel of the unknown and mystery, which are both typical conventions of a mystery thriller film. Also maybe filming the cuts where the camera cuts to the man in night vision we may also do as its looks scary and mysterious. We will take close up shots of different parts of the mans body before we cut to a long shot of the man tied down on a bed whilst we see his worried and confused reaction to the situation he is faced with.

Picture 17

The image above shows the effect of what we may decide to do if we filmed in night vision, but we would have a green filter not purple.

Picture 18

The image above shows the sort of thing which we shall be trying to film when we do close ups of the man in distress.

Picture 19
This image is the style of how we want to film the clenching fist but in our shot of this we would have a lot more tension being sown.

Picture 20

The image above shows the setting which we shall film are opening sequence in but we wont have the window which is letting in a beam of light most likely.

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